Fulfilling a Need: My Wholesome Table Consultations

If you were to ask me what my hobbies are, I would say FOOD. Everything from cooking to learning about food prep or nutrition…sign me up! I’ve always loved talking to anyone about food, but when we got into altering recipes for dietary purposes, I always loved discussing the potential opportunities and ways to still…

My 2019 Favorites

As we near the end of 2019, I find myself reflecting on all the good and the bad the year entailed. I love doing this to conclude the year and have listened and read many yearly favorites over the last few weeks. It’s been quite a year of growing, learning, experimenting, and simplifying. With two…

How things are going…honestly.

Since I’ve used this platform of as a way to share life, I thought it only appropriate to share today what’s been on my heart. So here’s how things are going with two babies under two! We welcomed Bodhi Wilde into our family four weeks ago and so much has changed. Even as I typed…

Baby Food

Our little bundle is almost 10 months. Where does the time go?! Here is what’s working for our lives: I’ve got an excellent eater on my hands, and I’m so thankful for that. I’m trying to take full advantage of his curiosity and utilize his willingness to try foods to his nutritional benefit. In an…

Feeding to nourish: A baby food story

  Like most of my posts, I write because I need to have a recipe-diary for all those times I “can’t remember how I made something”. I’ve done a great deal of research before I began the journey of introducing solids to my solely breastfed baby. From the beginning, I decided I was going to…

A few of my favorite things!

I absolutely love reading favorites! I’ve watched many videos and read many blog posts to learn about people’s favorites. How fun?! In the spirit of the holidays, I thought I’d write about my favorite kitchen equipment of the year. I’ve also linked them all below for your viewing pleasure! Hope you had a great Christmas!…

Top 10 Grocery Store Products

Top 10 Grocery Products: Coconut milk – So Delcious My husband and I go through about a gallon of this milk a week. This is a staple for everything from baked goods to smoothies to cereal to cream sauce and everything inbetween. I have been buying this for the past 2-3 years and love it…

A Healthy Start…2016

A new year is a blank slate. A new chapter. A new canvas just waiting for what’s next! That’s what we have, Lord willing, with every new year. Since ‘eating healthy’ or ‘loosing weight’ continues to be the top new years resolution, something has to be going all wrong. If this is constantly the top…

Meal Prep 101

Meal prep took on a whole new meaning when everything I was eating had to be prepared. When you choose this lifestyle, you give up the convenience of opening up the cupboard and tossing something in the microwave or oven and BAM! have a dinner. Sundays became my saving grace. I tend to do my…

Brunch with Friends

Sundays were made for two things: Fellowship with others through Christ  and brunch. I had the pleasure of hosting brunch with dear friends that ended up fulfilling both of today’s purposes. To make things easier, I prepared a few things in advance so that I wouldn’t stress the morning of. I have also included a…